Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London

Official Scientific Report of NMR PIPETECTOR Installation Anti-Corrosion Equipment, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London


  • Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London Appearance of the building
  • Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London NMR PIPETECTOR

Installation Purpose and Result

The domestic hot water system which supplies hot water for the bathrooms and kitchens throughout the hotel had a major problem with internal corrosion in its steel galvanised pipework. To eliminate internal corrosion and single cell bacteria including the prevention of any electrolysis between dissimilar metals such as steel and copper, two units of NMR Pipetector PT-75DS were installed onto two main domestic hot water flow pipe headers coming from the two main boilers.

4 weeks after the installation of NMR Pipetectors, Fe content in water considerably decreased from 13.35 mg/l before the installation of NMR Pipetector to 0.0043 mg/l after the installation, and eventually decreased to 0.0335 mg/l 8 weeks after the installation on the domestic hot water pipework systems.

It means that new forming of corrosion (FeO(OH)) inside the pipe works were immediately terminated and the existing corrosion were reduced to magnetite (Fe3O4) which does not dissolve into water. NMR Pipetector will continue to provide the hotel the full protection against internal corrosion and single cell bacteria in excess of forty years.

Installation Summary

Name and Location of Building Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London: 66 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7LA, United Kingdom
Building Summary Hotel building

Built in 1888 through 1891

Installation Day July 15 2014
Installation Place and Amount Main domestic hot water flow pipe headers PT-75DS × 2 units

Change of Fe Content in Hot Water

Change of Fe Content in Hot Water

Fe Content in Water (㎎/ℓ)

Before Installation After 4 Weeks After 5 Weeks After 6 Weeks After 7 Weeks After 8 Weeks
13.35 0.0043 <0.004 0.0257 <0.004 0.0335