Q01. Is this a magnetic device?
No. We applied technology of nuclear magnetic resonance to the Pipetector. On the other hand, magnetic devices are applied of technology of magneto hydrodynamic.
Magnetic devices require more than 2.0 meters/sec of flow speed. This is unrealistic as the maximum speed limit of water flow is lower in general. Even if water flew faster than 2.0 meters/sec, water clusters that were broken up smaller with magnetic devices would be back to their original state within a second, so they cannot cover entire pipework.Q02. What’s the operating cost of this?
The Pipetector does not require any operating cost until the lifespan ends once it is installed.
Q03. How can it emit electromagnetic waves without outer power supply?
Mechanism of the Pipetector is based on black-body radiation theory. This theory is that any black-body materials can emit electromagnetic waves by themselves and without power supply.
Ceramic and charcoal are some examples of black-body materials. Ceramic is sintered at 1,200 degrees Celsius during manufacturing process and can store thermal energy (entropy) within. Thus, it can emit electromagnetic waves by itself. Charcoals are carbonized at more than 800 degrees Celsius and can emit infrared waves while the thermal energy (entropy) decreases as the time goes by. Inside the Pipetector, there are black-body materials that generate electromagnetic waves plus neodymium magnets that control and adjust the waves. Based on the theory, the Pipetector can emit electromagnetic waves without power supply.Q04. Does it affect human body?
No, it doesn’t. NMR phenomenon is often applied to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in hospitals as a harmless method unlike computerized tomography scan (CT scan).
Q05. One of my family members wears a cardiac pacemaker. Does the Pipetector affect it?
No, it doesn’t. Electromagnetic waves emitted from the Pipetector are very weak as they don’t affect pacemakers nor human body.
Q06. Is it safe to drink water that passed through a pipe fitted with the device?
Yes, it’s completely safe. For example, water vapor is consisted of small water clusters. The Pipetector is harmless to human body as water vapor is.
Q07. How long does it keep water clusters small?
For 6 to 7 hours. During the period, water clusters do not bond together, and hydrated electrons will relocate from the inside to the outside to be emitted throughout pipes. The emitted hydrated electrons reduce red rust to black rust that eventually forms a protective coating on inner surface of water pipes.
Q08. Does pipe material (steel, copper, zinc, lead, etc.) matter?
No, it doesn’t. The Pipetector is applicable to any types of pipe material. The Pipetector is effective on galvanized steel, polyvinyl chloride, copper and stainless steel, which are commonly used for pipe material. The effect of the Pipetector reducing red rust to black rust functions throughout pipework including dissimilar metal joints. The Pipetector thus stops oxidation damage on metal pipes.
Q09. How much water is needed?
It depends on amount of water consumption. If there are issues regarding corrosion inside water pipes, iron content in water should be higher than 0.3 mg/L. That’s a sign of deterioration.
Q10. Water is leaking from my pipe. Can the device solve this?
Yes, it can. In fact, there are many cases the Pipetector stopped water leaks in the early stage. If the holes are small, the Piptector can close them with protective coating of magnetite that forms inside pipes. Magnetite layer protects inner surface of pipes from further corrosion and water leak in the early stage.
We confirmed at more than 1,800 installations that no water leak is found after installation of the device on old and degraded pipes.Q11. My pipe is corroded from the outside. Can the device solve this?
No, it can’t. The Pipetector can only address internal corrosion.
Q12. How does it reduce red rust to black rust?
Corrosion is generally formed inside iron pipes when iron is deprived of electrons, being in direct contact with water and oxygen. The iron is then converted to ferrous hydroxide {hydroxide oxide ion, FeO(OH)} to cause red rust-related issues inside water pipes.
The Pipetector breaks up water clusters smaller with phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance to emit free electrons of water (hydrated electrons). In detail, when a certain amount of water flows inside pipes with a certain kinetic energy caused by water pumps or free-fall from elevated tanks for example, hydrated electrons are likely to change their location from the inside to the outer surface of broken-up water clusters. These electrons then function to reduce internal red rust to black rust, stop further corrosion damage and water discoloration as well.
What you need to keep in mind is that black rust (magnetite) is imbalanced just after it is formed, so if supply of hydrated electrons stops, black rust goes back to red rust. Hydrated electrons therefore need to be supplied continuously to red rust until it turns into a thick layer of black rust enough to be stable. When the layer gains enough thickness, it functions as insoluble and protective coating against further rusting inside water pipes.Q13. What’s the difference between red and black rust?
Red rust dissolves in water and damages inside water pipes. It is an unstable and fragile substance and is likely to cause damage to human health when ingested too much. In addition, volume of red rust is about tenfold of that of black rust that often be a cause of pipe clogging.
On the other hand, black rust is a harmless, insoluble substance that is highly resistant to oxidation and protects inside pipes from corrosion damage. It was also used as surface coating of cooking utensils, such as traditional Chinese frying pan and Japanese teapot, and steam locomotive as well.Q14. Is red rust bad for our health?
Yes. Red rust may bring about health problems when you ingest more than a certain level. Iron is one of essential elements for human nutrition as our body requires 7 to 48 ml/L of iron a day, but it has middle to high levels of toxicity. A large excess of iron intake may result in iron poisoning, such as hemorrhagic necrosis of gastric mucosa and crust formation.
Iron can cause serious health problems to children. Some researches show that excessive intake of iron can cause small children emesis or diarrhea. Although lethal amount of iron is 200 to 250 mg/L, it could be fatal when children ingest more than 3 mg/L. It is also dangerous to pregnant women as iron may affect babies through their mothers. Iron content in water increases as corrosion {FeO(OH)} develops in pipes. Black rust (magnetite) protects inner surface of pipes from red rust as it has a hard crystal structure. Once red rust is reduced to black rust, it will provide with a protective coating on inner surface of water pipes.Q15. How does it work on copper pipes?
The Pipetector has no effect on existing copper oxides (patina) because they cannot be reduced. With supply of hydrated electrons, however, further oxidation reaction in copper pipes can be prevented since the mechanism of copper oxidation is same as that of iron. The same goes with other metals used for water pipe material.
Q16. Does it work on scale deposits?
For issues regarding scale deposits, please refer to Non-Scalor, another product of ours.