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Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
Building appearance

Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham and became the royal residence of the British monarch upon the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. The palace has now 775 rooms and is used as an office and residence of Her Majesty the Queen. 

Although some old pipes were replaced, others supplying hot water throughout the palace were kept unchanged, causing problems regarding internal corrosion. In addition, the problems also remained in a central heating system using galvanized steel as pipe material.

To prevent corrosion deterioration and prolong the lifespan of the water systems, the palace installed three Pipetector PT-100DS, PT-50DS and PT-30DS on three water pipes on January 12, 2007.

Installation Place of the Pipetector
Installation Place of the Pipetector

24 days after installing Pipetector, the Fe content in the domestic hot water was drastically reduced from 2.75 mg/L to 0.018 mg/L, which is much lower than the British standard for drinking water quality 0.2mg/L. The level was kept low at 0.007 mg/L even after 90 days.

The Fe content in the heating water was 16.6 mg/L before installation, which was then drastically reduced to 0.455 mg/L after 24 days.

These results indicate Pipetector immediately terminated the new formation of corrosion inside the pipework and reduced the existing red rust to black rust (magnetite), which does not dissolve in water. Pipetector will now protect inside the pipework from internal corrosion and prolong the lifespan as long as that of the palace.


NameBuckingham Palace
LocationLondon, UK
ProfileOffice and residence of Her Majesty the Queen
Constructed in 1703 with 775 rooms
Installation dateJanuary 12, 2007
Installation pipesHeating water pipe, SGP 100 mm, PT-100DS × 1
Domestic hot water pipe, SGP 50 mm, PT-50DS × 1
Domestic hot water pipe, SGP 30 mm, PT-30DS x 1

Change in Fe content in water

Domestic Hot Water

Buckingham Palace
Nov. 7, 2006
After 24 days
Feb. 5, 2007
After 45 days
Feb. 26, 2007
After 90 years
Apr. 12, 2007
The British standard
for drinking water

Took 500 ccs of hot water accumulated during the night unused for more than 8 hours

Certificate of water quality testing

Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

Central Heating System

Buckingham Palace
November 7, 2006
After 24 days
February 5, 2007

Certificate of water quality testing

Buckingham Palace

Remittance advice from Buckingham Palace

Remittance advice from Buckingham Palace
The actual remittance amount is not shown.

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