Carbon steel pipes, or galvanized steel pipes, are used for water supply pipes and central heating, chilled pipes. Their life expectancy is generally 20 years* approximately. However, Pipetector enables us to use such pipes for more than 50 years. The below are other successful achievements.
Examples of domestic steel tap water pipe
Case study of a major DPE factory, Tokyo (54-year-old factory as of 2019)

A 35-year-old major DPE building’s steel pipe was estimated 2 months of service life, so we introduced Pipetector to the domestic water piping. Before the installation of Pipetector, Fe content in the water stagnated during the night, was 0.5 ㎎/ℓ, which was unsuitable as water used at a DPE factory. However, six days after the installation, Fe content in water dropped to less than 0.05 ㎎/ℓ. This indicates that red rust in the pipe was reduced to black rust. Since Fe content has further dropped to 0.03 ㎎/ℓ, the water quality is maintained to this date.
Examples of central cooling/heating steel water pipe
Case study of the Royal Garden Hotel, London (55-year-old hotel as of 2019)

At a 42-year-old Royal Garden Hotel, discolored water appeared every morning from its domestic hot water steel pipe. Fe content in the pipe before installing Pipetector showed a very high level at 2.79 ㎎/ℓ, but it decreased to 0.016 ㎎/ℓ 25 days after the installation, and to 0.013 ㎎/ℓ 36 days after the installation. The result was significantly lower than the U.K. water quality standard, which is 0.2 ㎎/ℓ, and the discolored water became clear.