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Extends the life expectancy of galvanized steel pipes!

NMR Pipetector

Carbon steel pipes, or galvanized steel pipes, are used for water supply pipes and central heating, chilled pipes. Their life expectancy is generally 20 years* approximately. However, Pipetector enables us to use such pipes for more than 50 years. The below are other successful achievements.

*Reference: “Technology to Improve the Durability of Building Equipment” published by the Building Maintenance & Management Center.

Examples of domestic steel tap water pipe

Case study of a major DPE factory, Tokyo (54-year-old factory as of 2019)

DPE Factory

A 35-year-old major DPE building’s steel pipe was estimated 2 months of service life, so we introduced Pipetector to the domestic water piping. Before the installation of Pipetector, Fe content in the water stagnated during the night, was 0.5 ㎎/ℓ, which was unsuitable as water used at a DPE factory. However, six days after the installation, Fe content in water dropped to less than 0.05 ㎎/ℓ. This indicates that red rust in the pipe was reduced to black rust. Since Fe content has further dropped to 0.03 ㎎/ℓ, the water quality is maintained to this date.

Examples of central cooling/heating steel water pipe

Case study of the Royal Garden Hotel, London (55-year-old hotel as of 2019)

Royal Garden Hotel London

At a 42-year-old Royal Garden Hotel, discolored water appeared every morning from its domestic hot water steel pipe. Fe content in the pipe before installing Pipetector showed a very high level at 2.79 ㎎/ℓ, but it decreased to 0.016 ㎎/ℓ 25 days after the installation, and to 0.013 ㎎/ℓ 36 days after the installation. The result was significantly lower than the U.K. water quality standard, which is 0.2 ㎎/ℓ, and the discolored water became clear.

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